
The Best All-Flash Platform : Nutanix Frame

Nutanix Frame is a cloud-hosted DaaS (Desktop as a Service) solution that enables any organization to deliver and manage their desktops through a single console for seamless control and administration, resulting in a true hybrid experience. End users can link to Nutanix Xi frames from any computer, including a laptop, tablet, or smartphone, using any…
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VDI FastTrack – 加速遠距工作部署

Nutanix推出協助亞洲企業的新服務VDI FastTrack,以支援企業快速部署虛擬桌面基礎架構(VDI)解決方案。虛擬桌面基礎架構和桌面即服務協助企業組織在不損害商業安全性、生產力、或效能的情況下讓員工進行遠端存取。這些服務協助員工能在任何位置、任何設備上工作,並可以安全且完整地存取其工作桌面、文件、應用程式和網路。
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