If you are using Windows 7 Professional or Windows 7 Enterprise, you might want to think about switching to a newer operating system.
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How to Add a Document Library Link to SharePoint
SharePoint is often used to create sites for various purposes and activities because it is very effective at coordinating all communication and files related to several processes.
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Nutanix Economic Advantage Summit 2021
The events of the past year have only accelerated the pace of digital transformation and elevated the role of IT as a strategic partner. How do you decide where to save, invest, and innovate? Can your decisions around hybrid, private, and public clouds deliver economic advantage for your organisation?
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Learn How To Build Azure Pipelines With Azure Pipelines
The ascension of Azure and DevOps is nothing new, given the rapid growth of these technologies. This article on Azure Pipelines will teach you everything you need to know about Azure DevOps, and by the end, you'll have built a full-fledged Azure Pipeline. So let us get started with this Azure Pipelines article. What Is…
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Amazon 亞馬遜公司創辦人兼執行長貝佐斯Jeff Bezos 因所持馬亞遜股分而列名全球富豪榜上前三名,57歲的 Bezos 於1994年在自家車庫裡創立了 Amazon,公司一路茁壯成長,如今已是線上零售業的巨擘,同時經營串流音樂、電視、百貨、雲端運算、機器人、人工智慧等。
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TikTok 全球下載量第一名的社群軟體,為何能風靡全球
TikTok至2020年初,全球下載量高達20億,尤其在COVID-19疫情爆發後,TikTok用戶量暴增,根據Sensor Tower數據,2020年首季下載次數達3.15億,勝過其他所有應用程式,並於2020年4月份以7800萬美元(約台幣25億)的營業額登上全球首位,擊敗Youtube,拿下成為全球第一。
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[Webinar] Transform Your Database into an Engine of Innovation
As many modern business have come to realize, traditional IT infrastructure isn't optimal for meeting the demands of databases like Microsoft SQL, Oracle, SAP HANA, PostgreSQL, MySQL, and more. And it's no surprise why - silos, low utilization, complex hypervisor environments and other drawbacks present critical challenges. Therefore, this webinar will walk you through how…
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